The Perfect Memorial

Preserving the Special Memories of Your Loved One

Choosing how to memorialize your loved one in a final resting place is an important and difficult decision every memorialist understands well. There are many choices for monuments and markers - all of which can be customized to align with your loved one's final wishes. But for many people, the number of options and possibilities available in crafting the perfect granite memorial may seem daunting. If this is their first experience with memorials, they may not even realize the multitude of colors, shapes and design options.

This guide was created to assist you in the process of choosing the perfect memorial for your loved one. There is only one rule we ask you to consider, namely, NEVER be rushed into any decision. A granite memorial is forever. Do not feel like you need to have it set in the cemetery by a certain date, or feel pressured by a consultant to make a decision. Take your time and create your own perfect memorial.

As with any decision, it is important to know all the facts and to explore all the possiblities ... purchasing a monument or marker is no different. We strive to provide families with useful information that will help them make decisions on their loved one's permanent memorial.

The guide is yours, as a gift from us—and we hope it will be useful.

Need immediate assistance? Call us at 740-732-1311.

Download your FREE Guide to The Perfect Memorial

Need assistance in designing the perfect monument or marker for your loved one? Fill out the form below to immediately download our FREE guide "The Perfect Memorial".